CNET | Centre for New Economic Transitions

University College London

| Inequality

| Environment

| Technology

| Institutions

Shaping the future of capitalism

Research that challenges the status quo to create a new economy that works for us all.

We live in times of change. The old models are no longer fit for purpose and must adapt to a radically different future. CNET’s research offers insight into how these changes can be made, for the better.

Four Areas of Transition

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    Growing inequalities in income, wealth and opportunity, urge us to think of what can be done to create fairer economies.

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    Finite resources and mounting sustainability challenges demand that we imagine how a post-fossil-based economy works.

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    Turbulent changes in global politics ask that we reconsider how politics and economies interact.

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    As digital revolutions continue to radically shape society, we question how technology will influence future economies.

Meet the Team
